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From The Kitchen

Shared Community Kitchen

Are you looking for kitchen space?

The Shared Kitchen is currently available for our Food Bank customers to create or advance their food businesses in a food-safe environment. The kitchen can be rented on a sliding scale with income, housing, and other situations taken into account. To rent the space, a Business License, ServSafe Certification and Insurance are required. We currently only rent during our open business hours with plans to open more hours in the coming year. Further details can be discussed with the Culinary Arts Manager Rachael. 

Please read through how our sliding scale pricing works and fill out the application linked below if interested!

How Does the Pricing Work?

First decide what category best describes your business: 

  • One-time/Limited will only be on credit based plans--not monthly. Must pay by the hour unless otherwise discussed.
  • Seasonal/Occasional can choose monthly or credit-based plan. For a monthly plan, the above numbers are based on a max of 20 hours per month. These businesses will most likely be Farmer's Market folks, online retail/packaging, and other holiday events like Christmas Bizarres.
  • Membership/Year-round can choose monthly or credit-based plans but most likely fall into the monthly plan. For the monthly plan, the above numbers are based on a max of 40 hours per month. These businesses will most likely be Food Trucks, full-time catering, and other established businesses.

Second decide what tier within your business category is the right fit:

  • Full Price indicates the actual value of the kitchen rental. Anything under full price is a discount.
  • Middle price is for those who are able to meet their basic needs but have little to no expendable income. Renting the kitchen may qualify as a sacrifice but would not create hardship.
  • Bottom price is for those who struggle to meet basic needs and renting the kitchen could create significant hardship.
  • Customer-in-need pricing will be decided by the team if an applicant is in great hardship. Customer price will be assessed after three months (most likely moved to lowest paying tier). This tier is designed to boost a customer out of economic hardship in the first three months.
  • Pay-It-Forward is above the full price and that extra money goes towards supporting the food bank as well as future free and low-cost rentals for customers. Essentially it's an opportunity to not only rent the space for your business but also support your fellow community members while you're at it. Sweet!

Here are guidelines to help identify what business category you fall under: 

  • Full Price: You have financial abundance and security. You own your home/vehicle, are able to pay bills and can afford vacation yearly. You have secure employment and access to family/generational wealth.
  • Middle Price: You have financial security, but not abundance. You rent your home, have a vehicle payment, are able to pay bills, but may need to be strategic about finances and are able to take a vacation once every few years. You have little or no access to family/generational wealth.
  • Bottom Price: You have financial instability and insecurity. You qualify for public assistance programs, you may be a single parent, have seasonal employment, and struggle to pay monthly bills. You do not have access to family/generational wealth.
  • Customer-In-Need Price: You have extreme financial instability and insecurity or other hardships. Your main source of financial security is in assistance programs. You may be unemployed and utilizing the kitchen can aid your financial recovery process. You might be a regular customer of the Food Bank.
  • Pay-It-Forward: You have financial abundance and wish to pay-it-forward beyond what your business needs. You are able to support the Food Bank and/or another member to rent the kitchen at a free or low cost.